Please read these Terms of Service carefully before engaging with our services.

Your access to and use of our Service is conditioned on your acceptance of and compliance with these Terms. These Terms apply to all users and others who access and use our Service.

By accessing or using our Service you agree to be bound by these Terms. If you disagree with any part of the terms then you may not access our Service.

Refund / Cancellation Policy

Holistic Music is committed to providing the best possible service to you as a client. We aim to accommodate you as much as possible in a way that is fair and reasonable to us both. Below is our policy for cancellations, refunds and transfers.

Please note: This refund policy does not apply to the Money Back Guarantee, which is intended for any client who wishes to request a refund due to dissatisfaction with the program content and/or delivery. Please see Payments and Money Back Guarantee for the terms regarding this situation.


When you sign up for a Live Program you are filling and committing to a space that will then not be available to another client who may have wished to take it. As such, it is important to consider this this policy is a way of respecting the time, energy and commitment of all involved.

If you wish to withdraw from the program the following options are available to you, depending on notice given:

7 or more days: Full refund OR transfer your place to the next scheduled round of the program

3 - 6 days: 75% refund OR transfer your place to the next scheduled round of the program

48 hours or less: 50% refund OR transfer your place to the next scheduled round of the program.

After program commencement: Transfer your place to the next scheduled round of the program only. No refund option is available.

Transfers to the next round of the program are only offered once. If you request the same a second time around, please be advised that you will be declined and no refunds will be available.

If there is no future program scheduled, there will be no option to transfer and only the refund options listed above will be available for those time frames.


You are free to cancel your Membership at any time if you no longer wish to use it.

When you cancel, your membership access will continue until the end of the month that has been paid for, and then your subscription will be cancelled and your access revoked on the next scheduled payment date.

The Money Back Guarantee for Memberships applies to the first month of Membership only. This will be counted from the date of purchase, and will end on the same date the following month.

Cancellation requests after the first month will follow the normal cancellation protocol and no refund will be available.


Payments are made electronically either up front, on a payment plan or a subscription.

If you have chosen a payment plan, you are liable to complete the full payment. Instalments will be automatically charged to your supplied credit card until paid in full.

You cannot opt out of fulfilling a payment plan. However, you may request a refund at the completion of your program under the Money Back Guarantee if you are unsatisfied with the content or delivery of the program.


Live Programs

If you are not happy with the content or delivery of a program, you are eligible to request a refund where the following conditions have been met:

  • Full payment has been made (either up front or on a payment plan).
  • You have completed the program with a minimum of 75% attendance at live sessions.
  • You have made a reasonable effort to engage with the program materials and your own practice commitment (at least 1 personal practice session per week).

Simply email the Holistic Music Team at [email protected] with your reasons, feedback and suggestions for improvement. This is so we can improve the program for future participants.


You may, within the first month of date of purchase, request a refund if you are unhappy with the membership content or delivery. Your payment will then be refunded and your membership cancelled immediately.

After the first month, normal cancellation protocols apply and no refunds will be available.

Apart from what is outlined above, there will otherwise be no refunds available unless there are extraordinary and unforeseen circumstances. Personal time and energy mismanagement is not an acceptable reason to expect or request anything beyond which is stated above.

If you do have extraordinary circumstances (ie death of a close loved one, severe sudden personal injury or illness) you may email us at [email protected] and we will consider your situation.


1:1 sessions require 24 hours’ notice of cancellation or rescheduling.

If this is given, you are welcome to reschedule your session to a later date.

If sufficient notice is not given, a make up lesson will not be available, except under extraordinary circumstances, and at the discretion of your teacher. If you believe you have such circumstances, please contact your teacher to discuss.

If you do foresee future absences, such as holidays, work or other events, please let your teacher know with as much advance notice as possible. This helps to respect their time and allows them to adjust their schedule accordingly.

If your teacher is unwell or otherwise unable to teach, they will notify you by text and will offer a make up lesson as soon as can be arranged with times available.

© holisticmusic.com.au



& Kirsty Morphett