Feeling the call to music?



No matter your age, background, history or experience.

Come and create a musical life with us!

Who are you seeking tuition for?

Feeling the call to music?



No matter your age, background,

history or experience.

Come and create a musical life with us!

Who are you seeking tuition for?

WHAT WE DO AT Holistic Music

We provide a new way to learn music that fills all the gaps in standard music education and makes your musical journey a transformative path of growth on all levels.

Music Coaching

Music Coaching is a comprehensive and transformative approach to learning music, which includes:

  • Instrumental tuition

  • Musicality Training

  • Personal growth tools and practices

Mindful and Creative Learning

Using mindfulness and creative learning processes keeps us connected to joy, fun, inspiration and curiosity throughout the learning journey.

It also happens to be one of the fastest and most integrated ways to learn.

personal growth

By embracing the learning journey of music as a powerful opportunity for personal growth, challenges become fuel for awareness and music becomes a dojo for self-realisation.

This also flows out into many other areas of life.

Why holistic music?

Hey, I'm Kirsty Morphett, the founder of Holistic Music.

This work was born from my journey as a musician and a teacher, noticing how our standard musical education falls short in really showing people the power, magic and transformational potential that learning and practicing music has.

Too many people think music is not for them, or try, then quit prematurely because our traditional learning paradigms don't provide enough guidance in what music is really asking of us beyond just the sounds and music we are making.

This is why I created the Holistic Music Method.

In this method I assist students and clients to navigate their learning journey in music to focus on the immense potential and power music has to help us expand personally and connect with deeper meaning in our relationship to ourselves, life, and others.

Why holistic music?

Hey, I'm Kirsty Morphett, the founder of Holistic Music.

This work was born from my journey as a musician and a teacher, noticing how our standard musical education falls short in really showing people the power, magic and transformational potential that learning and practicing music has.

Too many people think music is not for them, or try, then quit prematurely because our traditional learning paradigms don't provide enough guidance in what music is really asking of us beyond just the sounds and music we are making.

This is why I created the Holistic Music Method.

In this method I assist students and clients to navigate their learning journey in music to focus on the immense potential and power music has to help us expand personally and connect with deeper meaning in our relationship to ourselves, life, and others.

Learn More about us

Explore our content to learn more about the Holistic Music philosophy and what Kirsty has done!


What Is Music?

In this video I dive into what music really is, which begins to reveal its' inherent power and intrinsic place in human life and the universe!


The Golden Moment Podcast

I had the pleasure of speaking with my great friend and long time musical compadre Mijo Biscan on the power of music in our lives and its potential for self-realisation.



This is an original song that I arranged for a large ensemble, including piano, bass, drums, horns and backing vocals.

Recorded in Yarra Edge Theatre at Melbourne Polytechnic by Mat Robins and Filmed by Jeremy Bowtell.


I Am Air - Kotet

This is another of my original songs and arrangement, expressing the Holistic way that I feel myself in the world, and as an expressive reflection of the Holistic Music teaching philosophy. Recording credits as per Break of Day.

Learn More about us

Explore our content to learn more about the Holistic Music philosophy and what Kirsty has done!


What Is Music?

In this video I dive into what music really is, which begins to reveal its' inherent power and intrinsic place in human life and the universe!


The Golden Moment Podcast

I had the pleasure of speaking with my great friend and long time musical compadre Mijo Biscan on the power of music in our lives and its potential for self-realisation.


Break of day - kotet

This is an original song that I arranged for a large ensemble, including piano, bass, drums, horns and backing vocals.

Recorded in Yarra Edge Theatre at Melbourne Polytechnic by Mat Robins and Filmed by Jeremy Bowtell.


I Am Air - Kotet

This is another of my original songs and arrangement, expressing the Holistic way that I feels myself in the world, and as an expressive reflection of the Holistic Music teaching philosophy. Recording credits as per Break of Day.

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Join our email list to get news, offers and musical secrets straight to your inbox!

No spam, and not too many emails, promise 💚

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& Kirsty Morphett