This page shares all the nitty-gritty of our terms of engagement, and how our monthly flat-fee pricing works.

ALL enrolled students and parents must fully understand and agree to this policy and pricing,

should you wish to engage in our services.

Holistic Music Monthly Tuition Plans

Holistic Music operates on a monthly flat-fee model for tuition fees. 

This is to make payments streamlined, stable and predictable for all. 

It also reflects the nature of music tuition as being ideally a commitment of a year at a time.

Billing Cycle: Tuition plan payments are on a monthly billing cycle, due at the start of each month. If you wish to pause or cancel your lessons, 30 days notice is required so that we can predict and manage the payment schedule smoothly. 

*Please note: we have a strict no-pay, no-lesson policy. If we do not receive payment by the due date and we have not heard from you regarding an alternative arrangement, lessons will be suspended and forfeited until payment is received.

**Please read below carefully for the details on how tuition plans work.**


The monthly fee includes: lessons, admin time, and digital materials provided via my teacher subscriptions (ie MuseScore, Supersonics, Ultimate Guitar, Piano Maestro, etc).

It does not include: hard-copy method books, individually purchased sheet music (ie from Musicnotes, etc), or occasional recommended app purchases. These materials are to be purchased separately by the student/parent. 

I try to include as much as I can in the tuition fee, but I cannot include everything due to differing student needs.

Tuition Plan Calculation

The tuition fees are calculated over the full year, then distributed over 12 equal monthly instalments. 

This means payments do not reflect how many lessons are received that month, they just balance out over the year to cover the full annual tuition fees. 

It follows the same principle as a payment plan for school or higher education fees.

This is based on a ‘lesson-year’ of:

40 lesson-weeks for kids/teens and Holistic Singing Sessions (weekly lessons during school terms)

48 lesson-weeks for adult 1:1 lessons (weekly lessons throughout the year with 4 weeks’ studio break from mid-December to mid-January).

The first instalment for the year is paid in early January, even though there may not be lessons fulfilled that month. 

This can be considered a deposit to secure/hold your place in the lesson schedule, and the first instalment of fees paid in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I start lessons part way through the year, or cancel them before the end of the year?

If you don’t complete a full year of tuition, we will simply make a calculation to ensure payments made and lessons received have balanced out. Fees already paid will not be refunded, but all lessons paid for in advance will be fulfilled.

There is a minimum notice period of 30 days to terminate lessons, for 1:1 lessons.

What happens if we go on holidays?

For group and paired lessons, make ups are not available, as the lesson goes ahead with other students anyway and cannot be rescheduled. If you wish, you may join the class online, or I can record it for you to follow along with at a later date.

For 1:1 lessons, we ask for a minimum of 14 days notice for planned absences such as holidays. You have the following options to account for these lessons, depending on how many are missed:

1 - 3 lessons: Reschedule lessons to another date, or extend following lessons.*

4 - 6 lessons: Pause tuition plan for 1 month, and reschedule/extend remaining missed lessons. Your lesson time will be reserved. 

7+ lessons: Pause tuition plan indefinitely. You are welcome to resume at any time, however your existing lesson time cannot be reserved.

*Lessons may be rescheduled to another date depending on availability. Alternatively, following lessons may be extended to 60, 75 or 90 minutes to make up missed lesson time.

Lesson Types and Monthly Fees

All tuition fees include lesson time, admin and subscription digital materials.

These prices are current for the duration of 2025.

Holistic Singing Group Sessions: $90 per month (40 weeks per year)

Fee Increases:

As with most industries, there will be fee adjustments or increases in the future. I aim to review at the start of each year, and determine whether it is appropriate to increase fees. I will notify enrolled students of any increases prior to implementation. 

Your tuition covers more than just your lesson time, with overhead costs, administration, resources and extra research and preparation for students factored in. I appreciate your understanding on this :)

Holistic Music Studio Policy

Please read this policy carefully, as I conduct our relationship under the assumption that you have.

If a situation arises where we need to reference this policy and you haven’t read it, that is your responsibility.

If there is anything in here you don’t understand or agree with, please contact me within 7 days of your enrolment to discuss. 

If you don’t raise any concerns within this time frame, it will be assumed that you fully understand and agree with this policy in full.

Thankyou for your cooperation and understanding :)

*Please also note that this policy applies to students of all ages, so for adult students, wherever this refers to parents, that means you :)

Lesson Absences

I realise that sometimes we go on holiday, unexpected things happen, and we all succumb to illness from time to time.

I want to make sure you’re not penalised for that, at the same time as respecting my own need to plan and use my time efficiently.

I have created this policy to give you plenty of options and the best chance to make up for any missed lessons in a mutually equitable way.  

* Please also note that I reserve the right to make changes to this policy as needs arise, due to schedule changes or other commitments. Changes will be communicated with enrolled students before they take effect.

With all make-up lessons, the onus is on the student to request and confirm the rescheduled time(s) with me. If you don’t (or forget) to do this, your makeup lesson will expire and will no longer be available after 90 days.


If you don’t show up for your lesson without notice, the lesson is forfeited. This includes if you simply forgot. Personal mismanagement of your schedule will not be accepted as a reason to request a make-up lesson.


Make up lessons are not available for group or paired lessons, due to the fact that the lesson will go ahead with other students in attendance regardless. The options available are to request to join the session online via video, or request a recording of the lesson to follow along with at a later date. Please request your preferred option at the time of giving notice of absence.

The only exception to this is in the case of teacher absence. In this event, the whole class will be rescheduled to the following school holidays.


All options outlined below are for 1:1 lessons only.

Less than 24 hours’ notice

You can opt for either an Online lesson via Zoom, a phone chat about your progress and goals, a print resource, or a feedback/practice video*, during your normal lesson time. Please let me know which option you prefer at the time you are giving notice of absence, so that I can prepare.

Online Lesson: I will share my Zoom link with you, and we will meet online at your normal time. This option works best if you have an illness you don’t want to spread, but are well enough to talk and/or play your instrument at home.

Phone Chat: We can discuss your progress with music, your goals and anything else that you like. You can ask for advice or guidance on practice, resources, instruments, or whatever is on your mind with music! This option works best if you can’t play your instrument/sing, but would like to still connect personally and discuss the bigger picture.

Print Resource: I can create a print/digital resource that is tailored for you. This could be a chord chart, song lyrics with chords, song map, notate a section of music, an improvisation or songwriting exercise, etc. I will spend your lesson time creating and sharing this with you. This option works best if you are unavailable for an online lesson, and would prefer something written down, to a video.

Feedback Video: You can send me a video of you playing a current piece of your choice, and I will use your lesson time to watch and respond to the video. This is an option for those who are unavailable for an online lesson, but who can make and share a video beforehand. Videos shared after the lesson time will not receive feedback.

Practice Video: I will create a video of something appropriate for you to practise. This may be some exercises, part of a current piece, or something new. I will create this for you in your lesson time. This is an option for those who are unavailable for an online lesson, and who are also unable to make a video for feedback.

*Videos will be no more than 15 minutes in length - it takes additional time to set up the equipment, create, edit, upload and share the video. Usually the whole process will be complete within the normal lesson duration.

24 or more hours’ notice 

Make up lesson available within 90 days, with a limit of 6 per year.

Make up lessons are only available during weekdays and according to my availability and schedule, which may change without notice. If an important engagement arises for me, which conflicts with the make-up lesson, I may need to reschedule.

Planned absences (vacations, special occasions, etc) 

Minimum of 14 days notice. For 1:1 lessons only. You have the following options to account for these lessons, depending on how many are missed:

1 - 3 lessons: Reschedule lessons to another date, or extend following lessons.*

4 - 6 lessons: Pause tuition plan for 1 month, and reschedule/extend remaining missed lessons. Your lesson time will be reserved. 

7+ lessons: Pause tuition plan indefinitely. You are welcome to resume at any time, however your existing lesson time cannot be reserved.

*Lessons may be rescheduled to another date depending on availability. Alternatively, following lessons may be extended to 60, 75 or 90 minutes to make up missed lesson time. You may also do online lessons if you are travelling.

Each monthly payment covers:

Adults: 4 lessons (48 per year)

Kids/teens: 3⅓ lessons (40 per year)

Teacher Absence

There may be infrequent occasions where I will not be available to teach your regular lesson due to illness or planned absence. 

In some cases, I may be able to still fulfil the lesson online. If this is the case I will notify you and give you all the necessary details you need to join your lesson meeting.

In other cases, I will offer make-up lesson options over the subsequent weeks, or in the following school holidays. 

Terminating Lessons

I understand there are a myriad of reasons why music lessons may be no longer desired, so if you decide to discontinue lessons at any point, don’t worry - I won’t take it personally!

But firstly, please feel free to contact me at anytime during our engagement, to ask questions or discuss any aspect of your/your child’s learning. I am very open to feedback and hearing if something is not working for you, so please don’t hesitate to communicate openly.

I have found on several occasions that an open discussion of what hasn’t been working can lead to re-engagement on the student’s part, and avoiding the unfortunate outcome of prematurely quitting due to misaligned expectations.

Cancelling your enrolment

After the initial 3-month period of lessons, I then ask for a minimum of 30 days notice prior to cancelling your monthly tuition, so that I have the opportunity to fill your spot in the schedule. 

If you have extenuating circumstances that require you to stop suddenly, and with little notice, please discuss this with me to come to a mutually equitable arrangement.

Teacher termination of lessons

If, for some reason, I feel our working relationship is not making progress, I will discuss this with you. Given that the dynamic is always unique between each student and teacher, it may be that we’re just not a fit. It’s possible I may also identify a misalignment between your goals and my abilities as a teacher to help you achieve them. Or, I may notice that there is a lack of engagement or commitment from the student. 

Whatever the case may be, I will encourage an open discussion about this first and give us ample opportunity to resolve it and realign our mutual goals and expectations. If it can’t be resolved, I may suggest we terminate lessons and recommend another teacher for you to work with. All with respect, care and well-wishes of course :)

Teacher-Student/Parent Responsibilities

Teacher’s Responsibilities

As the teacher, I am responsible for providing quality education and guidance in your musical development. I am also responsible for providing a clear pathway of progression for you to reach your goals.

I always consult students and parents to ascertain aims and goals, and I will also encourage experiencing a variety of styles to broaden musical appreciation.

Together, we will curate a path suitable for the student, drawing upon an appropriate and evolving mix of repertoire, songs, tuition books, improvisation, composition/songwriting, aural and rhythmic development, and theory.

I also see it as my responsibility to give the student an orientation to the deeper purpose of music, which is to connect to one’s inner world, creativity and imagination, and express that in connection with others. I believe this is where music’s power really lies, so I will weave this exploration into the learning process through improvisation, composition, and selecting repertoire and styles.

Exams: If you decide you would like to take the path of exams I am happy to, but please discuss this with me further to ensure it’s the right fit. It tends to narrow the focus for us and limits the amount of other endeavours we can accommodate, and it’s not necessarily right for everyone. However, if there is enthusiasm for the structure and the challenge, then I am more than happy to assist with this.

Student/Parent Responsibilities

Students are expected to be punctual and prepared for their lesson. I will be available to receive you into the studio at your appointed lesson time, not before. If you are early, please wait outside the room until I welcome you in.

Please bring all current books, folders, notebooks and any other materials to every lesson. There may be some materials I can provide you for free through my teacher subscriptions. Besides this, it is the student/parent’s responsibility to purchase books, sheet music, apps and other materials. See “Lesson Materials and Technology” for further information.

Finally, it is the responsibility of students to come to lessons prepared mentally, emotionally and physically for the lesson, to work cooperatively, and to stay curious :)


Learning to play an instrument or sing is like exercise, or yoga - the more you do it, the more benefits you see, and the ‘fitter’ you are generally.

It’s also like learning a language - if you don’t use it frequently enough, it is very difficult to become fluent, and it is very easy to forget things.

It is important to think about your schedule and determine when you will be able to fit in practice sessions. Different instruments can demand different schedules at times, but as a rule you want to engage with practice NO LESS than 3 times a week, not including lessons. Ideally, you would have 4-5 sessions a week to gain the most benefits.

More frequent and shorter practice is way more beneficial than infrequent longer sessions. It’s often helpful to pair practice with another habitual daily action, for example, before or after a chosen meal time, upon returning home, after brushing teeth, etc. This helps form a habit.

Parents: I strongly encourage you to engage with interest in your child’s music lessons, as this provides accountability and encouragement. If you have some musical knowledge or experience all the better, but this is not necessary to help guide your child.

Simply asking them questions about their music, what they’ve been learning, what certain symbols and signs mean, what they find interesting or challenging, asking them to teach you something they’ve learnt, and so forth, can really spur their own reflections on their learning and help consolidate it.

Also, modelling patience and compassion for the process, and rewarding consistent efforts are essential, given the natural frustrations of learning such a specialised skill set.

Lesson Materials and Technology

According to our discussions on interests and goals, I will assign materials to the student. In some cases I can provide materials through my subscriptions to Musescore, Ultimate Guitar, etc. In other cases, we require materials to be purchased through a music store, and it is the student/parent’s responsibility to purchase these.

In-Stock Materials:

I may have some commonly used materials in stock, so if I assign these to you I will let you know if I have them and can provide them at the lesson. I will then include the purchase price of these on your next invoice.

When I do not have what we require, I will recommend places where you can purchase, or send you a link to an online store.


Other than this, you are more than welcome to bring materials such as sheet music, or ideas for songs you’d like to learn, to your lesson. I am always open to dialogue with students about anything that’s currently inspiring, so do feel free to chat to me about this.

Notes and Recordings:

For piano students I require a notebook at each lesson to keep a log of what we have been working on, and to write directions for practice during the week. This is for both me and the student. A simple A5 size lined exercise book is ideal, which can be easily found at most supermarkets. Please ensure this is brought to every lesson.

For voice students I strongly recommend bringing a device with a voice recorder (all smartphones have them). This gives you the best practice resource to use during the week for your home practice. 


I frequently utilise technology as it serves our purposes and encourage the use of it at home, as it offers many resources and benefits for the study and practice of music.

I may from time to time request that you acquire an app for educational purposes. Sometimes they are free, but often to get full access to the benefits of the app you need to pay for the full version. Usually they are less than $10, and provide a huge advantage in musical training.

Please consider them as equally as important as the books and sheet music we use. Also, consider them an ongoing tool that can be used by you whether I set it formally as homework or not.

If you have any reservations about using technology for learning, please feel free to discuss it with me further.

That concludes the Studio Policy. If you have any questions, please email us at

[email protected] to discuss further.

Thankyou for taking the time to read and familiarise yourself with our Policy :)


This page shares all the nitty-gritty of our terms of engagement, and how our monthly flat-fee pricing works.

ALL enrolled students and parents must fully understand and agree to this policy and pricing,

should you wish to engage in our services.

Holistic Music Monthly Tuition Plans

Holistic Music operates on a monthly flat-fee model for tuition fees. 

This is to make payments streamlined, stable and predictable for all. 

It also reflects the nature of music tuition as being ideally a commitment of a year at a time.

Billing Cycle: Tuition plan payments are on a monthly billing cycle, due at the start of each month. If you wish to pause or cancel your lessons, 30 days notice is required so that we can predict and manage the payment schedule smoothly. 

*Please note: we have a strict no-pay, no-lesson policy. If we do not receive payment by the due date and we have not heard from you regarding an alternative arrangement, lessons will be suspended and forfeited until payment is received.

**Please read below carefully for the details on how tuition plans work.**


The monthly fee includes: lessons, admin time, and digital materials provided via my teacher subscriptions (ie MuseScore, Supersonics, Ultimate Guitar, Piano Maestro, etc).

It does not include: hard-copy method books, individually purchased sheet music (ie from Musicnotes, etc), or occasional recommended app purchases. These materials are to be purchased separately by the student/parent. 

I try to include as much as I can in the tuition fee, but I cannot include everything due to differing student needs.

Tuition Plan Calculation

The tuition fees are calculated over the full year, then distributed over 12 equal monthly instalments. 

This means payments do not reflect how many lessons are received that month, they just balance out over the year to cover the full annual tuition fees. 

It follows the same principle as a payment plan for school or higher education fees.

This is based on a ‘lesson-year’ of:

40 lesson-weeks for kids/teens and Holistic Singing Sessions (weekly lessons during school terms)

48 lesson-weeks for adult 1:1 lessons (weekly lessons throughout the year with 4 weeks’ studio break from mid-December to mid-January).

The first instalment for the year is paid in early January, even though there may not be lessons fulfilled that month. 

This can be considered a deposit to secure/hold your place in the lesson schedule, and the first instalment of fees paid in advance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I start lessons part way through the year, or cancel them before the end of the year?

If you don’t complete a full year of tuition, we will simply make a calculation to ensure payments made and lessons received have balanced out. Fees already paid will not be refunded, but all lessons paid for in advance will be fulfilled.

There is a minimum notice period of 30 days to terminate lessons.

What happens if we go on holidays?

For group and paired lessons, make ups are not available, as the lesson goes ahead with other students anyway and cannot be rescheduled. If you wish, you may join the class online, or I can record it for you to follow along with at a later date.

For 1:1 lessons, we ask for a minimum of 14 days notice for planned absences such as holidays. You have the following options to account for these lessons, depending on how many are missed:

1 - 3 lessons: Reschedule lessons to another date, or extend following lessons.*

4 - 6 lessons: Pause tuition plan for 1 month, and reschedule/extend remaining missed lessons. Your lesson time will be reserved. 

7+ lessons: Pause tuition plan indefinitely. You are welcome to resume at any time, however your existing lesson time cannot be reserved.

*Lessons may be rescheduled to another date depending on availability. Alternatively, following lessons may be extended to 60, 75 or 90 minutes to make up missed lesson time.

Lesson Types and Monthly Fees

All tuition fees include lesson time, admin and subscription digital materials.

These prices are current for the duration of 2024.

Holistic Singing Sessions: $90 per month (40 weeks per year)

Fee Increases:

As with most industries, there will be fee adjustments or increases in the future. I aim to review at the start of each year, and determine whether it is appropriate to increase fees. I will notify enrolled students of any increases prior to implementation. 

Your tuition covers more than just your lesson time, with overhead costs, administration, resources and extra research and preparation for students factored in. I appreciate your understanding on this :)

Holistic Music

Studio Policy

Please read this policy carefully, as I conduct our relationship under the assumption that you have.

If a situation arises where we need to reference this policy and you haven’t read it, that is your responsibility.

If there is anything in here you don’t understand or agree with, please contact me within 7 days of your enrolment to discuss. 

If you don’t raise any concerns within this time frame, it will be assumed that you fully understand and agree with this policy in full.

Thankyou for your cooperation and understanding :)

*Please also note that this policy applies to students of all ages, so for adult students, wherever this refers to parents, that means you.

Lesson Absences

I realise that sometimes we go on holiday, unexpected things happen, and we all succumb to illness from time to time.

I want to make sure you’re not penalised for that, at the same time as respecting my own need to plan and use my time efficiently.

I have created this policy to give you plenty of options and the best chance to make up for any missed lessons in a mutually equitable way.  

* Please also note that I reserve the right to make changes to this policy as needs arise, due to schedule changes or other commitments. Changes will be communicated with enrolled students before they take effect.

With all make-up lessons, the onus is on the student to request and confirm the rescheduled time(s) with me. If you don’t (or forget) to do this, your makeup lesson will expire and will no longer be available after 90 days.


If you don’t show up for your lesson without notice, the lesson is forfeited. This includes if you simply forgot. Personal mismanagement of your schedule will not be accepted as a reason to request a make-up lesson.


Make up lessons are not available for group or paired lessons, due to the fact that the lesson will go ahead with other students in attendance regardless.

The options available are to request to join the session online via video call, or request a recording of the lesson to follow along with at a later date. Please request your preferred option at the time of giving notice of absence.

The only exception to this is in the case of teacher absence. In this event, the whole class will be rescheduled to the following school holidays.


All options outlined below are for 1:1 lessons only.

Less than 24 hours’ notice  

You can opt for either an Online lesson via Zoom, a print resource, or a practice video*, during your normal lesson time. Please let me know which option you prefer at the time you are giving notice of absence, so that I can prepare.

Online Lesson: I will share my Zoom link with you, and we will meet online at your normal time. This option works best if you have an illness you don’t want to spread, but are well enough to talk and/or play your instrument at home.

Print/Digital Resource: I can create a print/digital resource that is tailored for you. This could be a chord chart, song lyrics with chords, song map, notate a section of music, an improvisation or songwriting exercise, etc. I will spend your lesson time creating and sharing this with you. This option works best if you are unavailable for an online lesson, and would prefer something written down, to a video.

Practice Video: I will create a video of something appropriate for you to practise. This may be some exercises, part of a current piece, or something new. I will create this for you in your lesson time. This is an option for those who are unavailable for an online lesson, and who are also unable to make a video for feedback.

*Videos will be no more than 15 minutes in length - it takes additional time to set up the equipment, create, edit, upload and share the video. Usually the whole process will be complete within the normal lesson duration.

24 or more hours’ notice 

Make up lesson available within 90 days, with a limit of 6 per year.

Make up lessons are only available during weekdays and according to my availability and schedule, which may change without notice. If an important engagement arises for me, which conflicts with the make-up lesson, I may need to reschedule.

Planned absences (vacations, special occasions, etc) 

Minimum of 14 days notice. For 1:1 lessons only.

You have the following options to account for these lessons, depending on how many are missed:

1 - 3 lessons: Reschedule lessons to another date, or extend following lessons.*

4-6 lessons: Reschedule/extend lessons, or pause tuition plan for 1 month.**  Your lesson time will be reserved.

7+ lessons: Pause tuition plan indefinitely. You are welcome to resume at any time, however your existing lesson time cannot be reserved.

* Lessons may be rescheduled to another date depending on availability. Alternatively, following lessons may be extended to 60, 75 or 90 minutes to make up missed lesson time.

Each monthly payment covers:

Adults: 4 lessons (48 per year)

Kids/teens: 3⅓ lessons (40 per year)

Teacher Absence

There may be infrequent occasions where I will not be available to teach your regular lesson due to illness or planned absence. 

In either case, I will offer make up lesson options over the following weeks. This does apply to group or paired lessons, as the entire class will be rescheduled.

Terminating Lessons

I understand there are a myriad of reasons why music lessons may be no longer desired, so if you decide to discontinue lessons at any point, don’t worry - I won’t take it personally!

But firstly, please feel free to contact me at anytime during our engagement, to ask questions or discuss any aspect of your/your child’s learning. I am very open to feedback and hearing if something is not working for you, so please don’t hesitate to communicate openly.

I have found on several occasions that an open discussion of what hasn’t been working can lead to re-engagement on the student’s part, and avoiding the unfortunate outcome of prematurely quitting due to misaligned expectations.

Cancelling your enrolment

After the initial 3-month period of lessons, I then ask for a minimum of 30 days notice prior to cancelling your monthly tuition, so that I have the opportunity to fill your spot in the schedule. 

If you have extenuating circumstances that require you to stop suddenly, and with little notice, please discuss this with me to come to a mutually equitable arrangement.

Teacher termination of lessons

If, for some reason, I feel our working relationship is not making progress, I will discuss this with you. Given that the dynamic is always unique between each student and teacher, it may be that we’re just not a fit. It’s possible I may also identify a misalignment between your goals and my abilities as a teacher to help you achieve them. Or, I may notice that there is a lack of engagement or commitment from the student. 

Whatever the case may be, I will encourage an open discussion about this first and give us ample opportunity to resolve it and realign our mutual goals and expectations. If it can’t be resolved, I may suggest we terminate lessons and recommend another teacher for you to work with. All with respect, care and well-wishes of course :)

Teacher-Student/Parent Responsibilities

Teacher’s Responsibilities

As the teacher, I am responsible for providing quality education and guidance in your musical development. I am also responsible for providing a clear pathway of progression for you to reach your goals.

I always consult students and parents to ascertain aims and goals, and I will also encourage experiencing a variety of styles to broaden musical appreciation.

Together, we will curate a path suitable for the student, drawing upon an appropriate and evolving mix of repertoire, songs, tuition books, improvisation, composition/songwriting, aural and rhythmic development, and theory.

I also see it as my responsibility to give the student an orientation to the deeper purpose of music, which is to connect to one’s inner world, creativity and imagination, and express that in connection with others. I believe this is where music’s power really lies, so I will weave this exploration into the learning process through improvisation, composition, and selecting repertoire and styles.

Exams: If you decide you would like to take the path of exams I am happy to, but please discuss this with me further to ensure it’s the right fit. It tends to narrow the focus for us and limits the amount of other endeavours we can accommodate, and it’s not necessarily right for everyone. However, if there is enthusiasm for the structure and the challenge, then I am more than happy to assist with this.

Student/Parent Responsibilities

Students are expected to be punctual and prepared for their lesson. I will be available to receive you into the studio at your appointed lesson time, not before. If you are early, please wait outside the room until I welcome you in.

Please bring all current books, folders, notebooks and any other materials to every lesson. There may be some materials I can provide you for free through my teacher subscriptions. Besides this, it is the student/parent’s responsibility to purchase books, sheet music, apps and other materials. See “Lesson Materials and Technology” for further information.

Finally, it is the responsibility of students to come to lessons prepared mentally, emotionally and physically for the lesson, to work cooperatively, and to stay curious :)


Learning to play an instrument or sing is like exercise, or yoga - the more you do it, the more benefits you see, and the ‘fitter’ you are generally.

It’s also like learning a language - if you don’t use it frequently enough, it is very difficult to become fluent, and it is very easy to forget things.

It is important to think about your schedule and determine when you will be able to fit in practice sessions. Different instruments can demand different schedules at times, but as a rule you want to engage with practice NO LESS than 3 times a week, not including lessons. Ideally, you would have 4-5 sessions a week to gain the most benefits.

More frequent and shorter practice is way more beneficial than infrequent longer sessions. It’s often helpful to pair practice with another habitual daily action, for example, before or after a chosen meal time, upon returning home, after brushing teeth, etc. This helps form a habit.

Parents: I strongly encourage you to engage with interest in your child’s music lessons, as this provides accountability and encouragement. If you have some musical knowledge or experience all the better, but this is not necessary to help guide your child.

Simply asking them questions about their music, what they’ve been learning, what certain symbols and signs mean, what they find interesting or challenging, asking them to teach you something they’ve learnt, and so forth, can really spur their own reflections on their learning and help consolidate it.

Also, modelling patience and compassion for the process, and rewarding consistent efforts are essential, given the natural frustrations of learning such a specialised skill set.

Lesson Materials and Technology

According to our discussions on interests and goals, I will assign materials to the student. In some cases I can provide materials through my subscriptions to Musescore, Ultimate Guitar, etc. In other cases, we require materials to be purchased through a music store, and it is the student/parent’s responsibility to purchase these.

In-Stock Materials:

I may have some commonly used materials in stock, so if I assign these to you I will let you know if I have them and can provide them at the lesson. I will then include the purchase price of these on your next invoice.

When I do not have what we require, I will recommend places where you can purchase, or send you a link to an online store.


Other than this, you are more than welcome to bring materials such as sheet music, or ideas for songs you’d like to learn, to your lesson. I am always open to dialogue with students about anything that’s currently inspiring, so do feel free to chat to me about this.

Notes and Recordings:

For piano students I require a notebook at each lesson to keep a log of what we have been working on, and to write directions for practice during the week. This is for both me and the student. A simple A5 size lined exercise book is ideal, which can be easily found at most supermarkets. Please ensure this is brought to every lesson.

For voice students I strongly recommend bringing a device with a voice recorder (all smartphones have them). This gives you the best practice resource to use during the week for your home practice. 


I frequently utilise technology as it serves our purposes and encourage the use of it at home, as it offers many resources and benefits for the study and practice of music.

I may from time to time request that you acquire an app for educational purposes. Sometimes they are free, but often to get full access to the benefits of the app you need to pay for the full version. Usually they are less than $10, and provide a huge advantage in musical training.

Please consider them as equally as important as the books and sheet music we use. Also, consider them an ongoing tool that can be used by you whether I set it formally as homework or not.

If you have any reservations about using technology for learning, please feel free to discuss it with me further.

That concludes the Studio Policy. If you have any questions, please email us at

[email protected] to discuss further.

Thankyou for taking the time to read and familiarise yourself with our Policy :)



Our work together includes a customised combination of the following disciplines, to curate exactly what you need to progress towards your musical dreams.


  • Creating your pathway

  • Establishing habits

  • Working through challenges


  • The 'how-to' of your instrument(s)

  • Specialising in keyboard and voice

  • Other instruments available


  • Fundamental skills and knowledge that support all music

  • Learning through creativity

  • Understanding the musical language


  • Mindset Tools

  • Meditation and Mindfulness

  • Practicing in Flow

  • Self-Relationship Practices

  • Self - Realisation

Group Membership

Low Cost Community Support

Group Membership is for those who want a low priced option to get music support, and who value being part of a music learning and practice community

Community option






Join Live Weekly Online Q&A Tutorials with your questions and requests

Get practical guidance on voice, piano, rhythm guitar and creativity

Get tips on how to apply the Holistic Music Method to your music practice.

Share your journey with a community of like-minded music learners

Group Membership Includes:

  • Weekly Live Online Group Q&A tutorials
 (via Zoom and streamed to Facebook Live) where you can ask anything about your music journey, how to set goals, what tools to use, what you should practice, and your next steps.

  • Private FB Group Membership for advice & support in between weekly Live tutorials. Ask any question anytime!

  • Peer "Virtual Practice Rooms" - stay accountable by showing up to virtual rooms with other members and practice "together" (you are on mute but can see each other).

Register for free now and be notified when the Group Membership goes live!

Group Membership

Low Cost Community Support

Group Membership is for those who want a low priced option to get music support, and who value being part of a music learning and practice community

Community option






Join Live Weekly Online Q&A Tutorials with your questions and requests

Get practical guidance on voice, piano, rhythm guitar and creativity

Get tips on how to apply the Holistic Music Method to your music practice.

Share your journey with a community of like-minded music learners

Group Membership Includes:

  • Weekly Live Online Group Q&A tutorials
 (via Zoom and streamed to Facebook Live) where you can ask anything about your music journey, how to set goals, what tools to use, what you should practice, and your next steps.

  • Private FB Group Membership for advice & support in between weekly Live tutorials. Ask any question anytime!

  • Peer "Virtual Practice Rooms" - stay accountable by showing up to virtual rooms with other members and practice "together" (you are on mute but can see each other).

Register for free now and be notified when the Group Membership goes live!

1:1 Mentorship

Make a full commitment to your musical and personal growth.

Get ALL the support and maximum momentum

This tier is available when the Group Membership is Live.

Ask Kirsty for details.

Maximum momentum






Instrumental Tuition

Holistic Music Coaching Pathway

Musicality and Creative Development

Unlimited Text Support

Online Group Q&A Tutorials

BONUS All Digital Products available

BONUS Meludia Subscription

In this journey we will:

  • Co-Create your Holistic Music Coaching Pathway so that you can feel connected and inspired about your musical dreams, and always know your next steps.

  • Create a training program which includes:

  • Instrumental Tuition (voice, piano, guitar and/or creative expression),

  • Creative musicality training

  • Apps and tools that will support your learning

  • The Holistic Music Method.

  • Dive into your training with the Holistic Music Method and experience a transformation in the way you learn and practice music, as well as in your personal growth.

This journey includes:

  • 4 x 45 minute music coaching sessions per month (Value $285)

  • A personalised Holistic Music Coaching Pathway document co-created for you to keep (Value $40p/m)

  • Unlimited Text Support from 9am-6pm AEST (Value $40 p/m)

  • GROUP Membership Access (Value $75 p/m), incl:

  • Weekly 60 min Online Q&A Tutorial

  • Private Members Facebook Group for support and guidance anytime

  • "Virtual Practice Rooms" with peers


  • Meludia App Subscription to support your learning (VALUE $65)

  • ALL complimentary Digital Products Access while subscribed (Value up to $300)

To chat with Kirsty and find out whether this subscription is the best fit for you, book in a free discovery session by clicking the button below:




& Kirsty Morphett